Edna Baud


born 1991, lives and works in Gdańsk. Graduate of Cultural Studies at the Marie Curie University in Lublin. Winner of the rector’s award in the 12th Geppert Competition. She works with paintings and sounds, making use of motifs present in avant-garde tradition – snapshots of prosaic events from daily life, or “portraits” of every-day objects. Pop-culture quotes get entwined with fragmented symbols, referring us to 20th century philosophy and culture history. As a result, her paintings are semiotically “dense”, full of multi-thematic allegories based on links between forgotten meanings.

Selected exhibitions: „Arbeitsjournal”, wanda gallery, Warszawa 2022,  „Pull the Trigger”, Gdańska Galeria Miejska, Gdańsk 2022, „Powiększenie”, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin 2020 „Jesteśmy Ludźmi”, Galeria Labirynt, Lublin 2020, „Nowa Ziemia i 64 krótkie historie”, Galeria Biała, Lublin, 2019 „DVNST, Rainbow Unicorn”, Berlin, 2017, 12. konkurs Gepperta, Awangarda BWA, Wrocław, 2016, „KREW-WERK”, Fundacja Galerii Foksal, Warszawa, 2016, „biala.art.pl”, Galeria Biała, Lublin, 2014