Luka Woźniczko


Born in 1985, she lives and works in Cracow. Graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow.

In her paintings, Woźniczko uses a pallette of saturated colours – dark blue, brown, purple, green – that help her create intense backgrounds. In her paintings, the objects and figures are visible only as fragments or faint contours, creating the impression that they keep surfacing and submerging themselves in dark matter. As a result, her artworks often bring to mind the feeling of solstice, and the objects depicted by her seem to be hanging in a gap torn in the symbolic order. Thanks to that, they gain their individuality – previously muffled by their daily use – and now their shape, uniqueness and personality get highlighted.

She cooperated in the theatre plays of Michał Borczuch. Together with Krzysztof Mężyk, she created a mural forming part of the scenography for the play “Apocalypse” (2014), at Nowy Teatr in Warsaw. In a duo with Mężyk she also gave workshops for visually impaired persons, accompanying the adaptation of “Faust” (2015) by Michał Borczuch in Teatr Polski, in Bydgoszcz, which resulted in creating a painting that was used as part of the play’s scenography.

Laureate of an honorary distinction in the competition of the Academy of Fine Arts “Dzieło” (2011) and in the national competition of the Pedagogical University of Krakow “Noto / Notebook of the Artist” (2012), finalist of the national competition of the University of Arts in Poznań (2012). In 2013, she received a distinction in the nationwide competition of the Foundation for the Development of Art “Green Marchewka” in Białystok. Her works have been presented at numerous individual exhibitions: at the Widna Gallery (Kraków, 2018), the Bookstore Exhibition of the Together Pamoja Foundation (Kraków, 2016), the Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle (Warsaw 2016, 2013), Bunkier Sztuki (Krakow, 2015), the Gallery of the Art Foundation and Space (Kraków, 2014), La Grande Fontain Gallery (Sion, 2013).