The clinical structures of art – lecture by Piotr Wesołowski

2023-03-23 / 6:00 PM


In his lecture, Piotr Wesołowski attempts to characterize the mechanism of mutual conditioning of art and madness. Referring to his text entitled “A State Lost – the deliria of some binding” from “Empiria” No. 2, he will verify the statement (that functions socially as a myth, as a phantasy, as a program, as a curse), that assumed affinity of that two phenomena is a fact. Therefore the aim of the lecture is to say to a discourse of madness: check! To “pull its teeth” to that extent that will reveal its logic of gluing with the artistic practice. During his lecture, Wesołowski will invite us to the clinic of art, or maybe he will invite the art to the clinic, to read the positions that Lacanian theory of four discourses in the perspective of the art, the work of art and the artist, and to end with its bâtard – the schizoanalysis.
Piotr Wesołowski is a Ph.D. student who graduated from “Artes Liberales” Department on University of Warsaw, and Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. The Editor in Chief of “Empiria” Quarterly and editor of “Machine of Thoughts”. In his research Wesołowski focuses on the philosophical dimensions of Baroque and Rococo, the relations between painting and philosophy, and the figurative philosophy from Nietzsche to Deleuze. He works on his doctoral thesis concerning the figure of Pierrot in the context of Antoine Watteau’s painting in the schizo-analysis perspective.