Newsletter #1
November 18th – March 19th
ms1, Łódź
Tectonic Movements. On the artistic symptoms of the Transition
The show presents two paintings “Volcano”, 1989, oil on canvas (see above) and “There is Only One Gate”, 1990, oil on canvas by MARIOLA PRZYJEMSKA

December 2022
EDNA BAUD’s “O” painting, 2021, oil on canvas, on the cover of the new issue of “Notes na 6 tygodni” [Notebook for 6 weeks]. Inside one can find a fascinating essay on the artist by Aneta Szyłak.

December 1st – Januar 14th
Christine König Galerie: TRONIES
ADÉLA JANSKÁ’s painting “I am watching, you can play”, 2022, oil and acrylic on canvas on a display of the group show in Christine König Galerie, Vienna.

December 7th from 6 pm
Trafostacja Sztuki w Szczecinie